My 45-minute slide presentation—”Taliesin Legacy: Buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright’s Apprentices In and Around Madison”—is given in concert with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and hosted by the Friends of the Meeting House. This will be followed by a 15-minute Q&A session. Location: 900 University Bay Dr, Madison, Wisconsin Time: 7-8 p.m. Tickets: $10 adults, […]
I’ll be giving a presentation at the Library and Community Center in Spring Green on Friday, February 13. The presentation will be 45 minutes, with 15 minutes for questions. It begins at 7 p.m. See more info from their website:
I’ll be giving a PowerPoint presentation on the Myths of the 1914 murders at Taliesin starting at 6. Information from their page:
A 20-minute narrated video highlights each award winner in the Wright Spirit Awards for 2023. Narration on the reasons behind my award is fourth in the video: You can read my announcement about my award in my post, “2023 Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy Conference“.
This is for my dedication within the Frank Lloyd Wright world. Each year The Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy which works to save Wright buildings through education and resources for Wright home owners (and buyers) holds a Conference. It includes morning presentations, and afternoon visits to nearby buildings by Wright or his colleagues and followers. […]
I am giving a presentation that day about Taliesin from 6:30-7:30. You can see the calendar for the library website:
I am giving a presentation on Wright, Taliesin, and Wisconsin at the Columbus Public Library at 5-6 p.m. on Friday, April 7, 2023. No one is required to register for this free event at the library. See more information at their website:
<p>A presentation on PowerPoint at the <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Spring Green Library and Community Center</a>, September 20, 2022. This presentation gave me a chance to talk about Taliesin’s status as a building in UNESCO’s World Heritage listing of “The 20th-Century Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright”, and show the audience Taliesin’s history.</p>
PechaKucha is a quick, fun presentation style: presenters speak while 20 slides hold the screen for 20 seconds each. PechaKucha’s FLLW event was September 14, 2022, at 6 p.m. CDT. It’s now on YouTube: I gave my presentation on a find at Taliesin and how that (hopefully) changed the way I approached research at Wright’s […]
An online event through the Smithsonian takes place Sunday, December 5, 2021 – 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET. Keiran Murphy will present this online seminar about Frank Lloyd Wright’s home, Taliesin. For more information, and tickets, through Smithsonian Associates, see here.
The title of Murphy’s talk comes from Frank Lloyd Wright’s autobiography, when he was writing about his home and his youngest daughter, Iovanna, who was six years old at the time. Murphy will provide a background of Frank Lloyd Wright, his home, Taliesin, and focus on those changes that the architect made with his young daughter in mind.
Keiran Murphy, Principal Historic Researcher for Taliesin Preservation presents at the Burchfield Penney as part of the Graycliff Lecture Series. Murphy will address Taliesin’s Loggia Terrace: Experimentation and Preservation, and discuss the history of Taliesin (which Wright designed as his own residence,) the Loggia Terrace, and its relationship to terraces in other Wright designs, including that of Graycliff.
Wade House is celebrating the 150th birthday of world-renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright with a series of lectures and an exhibit focusing on Wright’s work in Wisconsin and his relationship with Sheboygan carriage collector and restoration expert Wesley W. Jung. On July 12, Wade House will feature a presentation of Keiran Murphy’s “How Do You Restore the Work of a Lifetime? Frank Lloyd Wright, the Taliesin Estate, and Taliesin Preservation.”